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  • Belle Eau de Parfum


    An irresistibly elegant, floral fragrance, Belle perfectly balances alluring mystery and bold energy. An irresistibly elegant, floral fragrance, Belle perfectly balances alluring mystery and bold energy.

  • Lemieux Eye Crème


    The ultimate in advanced eye care technology, to assist in creating a radiantly fresh and firmer eye area. The ultimate in advanced eye care technology, to assist in creating a radiantly fresh and firmer eye area.

  • Mademoiselle Eau de Parfum


    Warm, soft and inviting, Mademoiselle captures the essence of timeless femininity and elegant beauty. Warm, soft and inviting, Mademoiselle captures the essence of timeless femininity and elegant beauty.

  • Harmony Eau de Parfum


    Experience absolute balance, contentment and peace with Harmony, reminiscent of gentle Summer showers. Experience absolute balance, contentment and peace with Harmony, reminiscent of gentle Summer showers.

  • IG MAN Magnetic Attraction – Eau de Parfum


    Characterised by spicy-, woody-musk, this fragrance captures the essence of distinguished masculinity. Characterised by spicy-, woody-musk, this fragrance captures the essence of distinguished masculinity.

  • Anna Eau de Parfum


    Anna is filled with substance, grace and kindness, which will lift the spirit of whichever room you enter. Anna is filled with substance, grace and kindness, which will lift the spirit of whichever room you enter.

  • Ultra Advanced Firming-up Gel


    Alleviate the appearance of fine lines, through the balancing of your skin’s moisture levels. Alleviate the appearance of fine lines, through the balancing of your skin’s moisture levels.

  • Refining Toner


    Help to reduce the appearance of oily skin and blemishes whilst assisting in calming irritated skin. Help to reduce the appearance of oily skin and blemishes whilst assisting in calming irritated skin.

  • Ultimate Balance Day Moisturiser SPF 15


    Help to protect your skin against UV rays whilst encouraging a balanced, smooth and oil-controlled finish. Help to protect your skin against UV rays whilst encouraging a balanced, smooth and oil-controlled finish.

Showing 9 of 125 products

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