
This is where you can browse products in this store.

  • Lemieux Eye Crème


    The ultimate in advanced eye care technology, to assist in creating a radiantly fresh and firmer eye area. The ultimate in advanced eye care technology, to assist in creating a radiantly fresh and firmer eye area.

  • Ultra Advanced Firming-up Gel


    Alleviate the appearance of fine lines, through the balancing of your skin’s moisture levels. Alleviate the appearance of fine lines, through the balancing of your skin’s moisture levels.

  • Caviar Cellular Active Serum


    Protein, nutrient and mineral-rich serum for skin showing signs of dehydration, wrinkles & collagen deficiency Protein, nutrient and mineral-rich serum for skin showing signs of dehydration, wrinkles & collagen deficiency

  • Osmotic Cellular Active Serum


    Assist in purifying and refining your skin showing signs of oiliness, redness, blemishes and stress Assist in purifying and refining your skin showing signs of oiliness, redness, blemishes and stress

  • Royal Jelly Cellular Active Serum


    Nutrient-rich serum for skin showing signs of uneven skin tone, age spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, dullness and lacking elasticity Nutrient-rich serum for skin showing signs of uneven skin tone, age spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, dullness and lac…

  • 5th Wonder Mascara


    Achieve jet black lashes, whilst simultaneously adding volume, length, curl, and thickness. Achieve jet black lashes, whilst simultaneously adding volume, length, curl, and thickness.

  • Metamorphosis Perfect Cover


    This revolutionary BB Cream will match your skin tone upon application, to create the perfect cover! This revolutionary BB Cream will match your skin tone upon application, to create the perfect cover!

  • I-Lights Concealer/Highlighter


    Highlight your best features, or effortlessly conceal unwanted blemishes, dark circles and lines. Highlight your best features, or effortlessly conceal unwanted blemishes, dark circles and lines.

  • Black Velvet Eyeliner


    Define and enhance your eyes, by framing them with rich black velvet colour. Define and enhance your eyes, by framing them with rich black velvet colour.

Showing 9 of 125 products

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