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  • Isabella Eau de Parfum Special


    Young, vibrant and mesmerising, Isabella evokes the feeling of freedom and mischievous sexiness. Young, vibrant and mesmerising, Isabella evokes the feeling of freedom and mischievous sexiness.

  • Bio-Protect Hand Sanitiser


    This citrus-fresh sanitiser will revive your senses and leave your skin feeling clean, non-sticky and soft. This citrus-fresh sanitiser will revive your senses and leave your skin feeling clean, non-sticky and soft.

  • Bio-Protect Hand & Body Crème


    Help nourish and protect your skin whilst assisting to restore your delicate microbial harmony. Help nourish and protect your skin whilst assisting to restore your delicate microbial harmony.

  • Sculpting Brush


    The 2-in-1 Sculpting Brush is the perfect tool for applying eye shadow and for shaping your eyebrows. The 2-in-1 Sculpting Brush is the perfect tool for applying eye shadow and for shaping your eyebrows.

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    Bronze Liquid Eye Shadow


    A must-have in any make-up repertoire! A must-have in any make-up repertoire!

  • Lip Lustre Lip Gloss in Luxe Bronze


    Give your lips a luscious bronze shimmer while nourishing them with conditioning and caring nutrients. Give your lips a luscious bronze shimmer while nourishing them with conditioning and caring nutrients.

  • Bio-Protect Hand & Body Wash


    Help to achieve optimal hygiene whilst delicately caring for your skin, for a superbly harmonised result. Help to achieve optimal hygiene whilst delicately caring for your skin, for a superbly harmonised result.

  • IG MAN pH-Balanced Total Wash


    This all-round, pH-balanced cleanser can be used for your face and body to leave your skin thoroughly purified and revitalised. This all-round, pH-balanced cleanser can be used for your face and body to leave your skin thoroughly purified and …

  • IG MAN Energising Tonic


    This targeting tonic will help to calm your skin and minimise the appearance of ageing, blemishes and ingrown hairs, for skin that feels rejuvenated and purified! This targeting tonic will help to calm your skin and minimise the appearance of ageing, blemishes and ingrown hairs…

  • IG MAN Revitalising Day Moisturiser


    Designed to hydrate skin, improve the appearance of the skin’s texture and to protect against sun damage. Designed to hydrate skin, improve the appearance of the skin’s texture and to protect against sun damage.

  • IG MAN Oil Defence Day Moisturiser


    Protect your skin whilst encouraging a balanced, smooth and oil-controlled complexion. Protect your skin whilst encouraging a balanced, smooth and oil-controlled complexion.

  • IG MAN Balancing Night Cream


    This lightweight yet nutrient-rich night cream will assist in replenishing your skin as you sleep. This lightweight yet nutrient-rich night cream will assist in replenishing your skin as you sleep.

  • IG MAN Clarifying Face Scrub


    This premium scrub was created to assist in renewing your skin, for a more energised and polished finish. This premium scrub was created to assist in renewing your skin, for a more energised and polished finish.

  • IG MAN Calming Clay Mask


    This purifying Calamine and Kaolin clay mask helps to soothe irritation and balance oil production. This purifying Calamine and Kaolin clay mask helps to soothe irritation and balance oil production.

  • Black Velvet Eyeliner


    Define and enhance your eyes, by framing them with rich black velvet colour. Define and enhance your eyes, by framing them with rich black velvet colour.

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    Molten Blush Petal Pink


    Add warmth and sparkle to your look, with long-wearing liquid blush, available in petal pink and coral glaze. Add warmth and sparkle to your look, with long-wearing liquid blush, available in petal pink and coral glaze.

  • Try it on!

    Molten Blush Coral Glaze


    Add warmth and sparkle to your look, with long-wearing liquid blush, available in petal pink and coral glaze. Add warmth and sparkle to your look, with long-wearing liquid blush, available in petal pink and coral glaze.

  • Brown Velvet Lip/Eyeliner


    Make your lips appear fuller, and enhance the shape of your eyes, by framing them both with brown velvet. Make your lips appear fuller, and enhance the shape of your eyes, by framing them both with brown velvet.

  • Navy Velvet Eyeliner


    This deep sapphire eyeliner will create an alluring contour, suitable for all skin tones! This deep sapphire eyeliner will create an alluring contour, suitable for all skin tones!

  • Matte Finish Liquid Lipstick in Cerise Pink


    Give your lips a bold burst of cerise pink for a confidence boost, leaving them soft and scented with sweet vanilla. Give your lips a bold burst of cerise pink for a confidence boost, leaving them soft and scented with sweet vanilla…

  • InstaCover 2-in-1 Brush


    Expertly designed, full-bodied and professionally shaped, for perfect cover every time! Expertly designed, full-bodied and professionally shaped, for perfect cover every time!

  • I-Lights Concealer/Highlighter


    Highlight your best features, or effortlessly conceal unwanted blemishes, dark circles and lines. Highlight your best features, or effortlessly conceal unwanted blemishes, dark circles and lines.

  • I-Frame Eyebrow Wax


    Tame and define your eyebrows, giving your face structure and depth, all day long! Tame and define your eyebrows, giving your face structure and depth, all day long!

  • 3-in-1 Nourishing Night Crème


    Assist in creating a perfectly smooth and velvety-soft finish and increasing skin elasticity whilst you sleep. Assist in creating a perfectly smooth and velvety-soft finish and increasing skin elasticity whilst you sleep.

  • Eye Make-up Remover


    Gently remove all traces of make-up whilst assisting in moisturising your eyelashes, eyebrows and skin. Gently remove all traces of make-up whilst assisting in moisturising your eyelashes, eyebrows and skin.

Showing 27 of 126 products

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